Thursday, August 12, 2010

Groveland Maps Today

Above are some modern maps of Groveland. Highlighted are the borders of the Township of Groveland. On the map sent by Larry Turner, he has circled the area of Williamsburgh, the Hermitage, and land previously owned by Levi Dunn.

Simeon sometimes reported that he was born at Williamsburgh. But I am beginning to doubt he was actually born in the original village built by Charles Williamson for his hired German road builders adn settlers. What do you think?

As far as the Hermitage, there is one reference with in Lockwood Doty's "History of Livingston County" about Levi Dunn. It states: "Samuel Magee, who came in 1796, says the Hermitage, about a mile north of Henry Magee's farm, on the main road, was a small collection of houses where were residing Captain John Smith, surveyor; his brother, Geroge Smith; Alexander McDonald, a distiller, Thomas Hovey, blacksmith; James Butler, book and shoe maker; Scotch John Smith, Joseph Roberts and family of grown up sons, Hector McKay, Robert Wilson, a tailor named Templeton, Nicholas Beade and Levi Dunn."

I do think Levi Dunn owned farm land adjoining the Harrison property.

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