Saturday, September 11, 2010

GROVELAND.... here we come

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We are at Hobby Airport in Houston, waiting for our flight to Baltimore and then on to Buffalo. Paul and the girls drove us down to the airport. The weather is bright and sunny. Hopefully we have remembered everything....or at least the essential things.

This trip, I rented a 3g card (think that is what it is called) from a company called RovAir. It allows me to have internet access anywhere. It's nice.

Today, is my sister, Lisa's birthday. I tried to call her yesterday, but did not reach her. I will try again later today.

And, of course, it is Sept 11th. So on the news are memorials about 9/11. It was a day that changed history. I remember I was headed to the family history center when the news started to come. I took a radio with me and listened while I was there. Sarah was home, but was at an endowment session at the temple. Carl was at work, they listened to the information there.

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